Saturday, January 1, 2011

"Mutch" ado about Plenty!!

This is a small video of the daughter of one of my closest friends. If you've read the "credits" to my blog, I mention his name as being one of my "influences" to the field of photography. Back when I had been fired two weeks before Christmas from a company who shall remain nameless, this guy took me under his wing to give me a job and show me the ropes of learning the fine art of printing, developing, shooting, etc. In fact, the tutor/pupil relationship blossomed into much more than employer-employee as he taught me much more than just the fine art of printing an 8x10 C-print. Those were the days of real darkroom photography, developing film, dupe transparencies, inter-negatives, and C-prints. Gradually the world of photography changed and the advent of the digital world began to encompass us. It was a world that he hasn't totally embraced-YET! I hope to some day get him back out in the field that is. In the meantime, our friendship as endured 34yrs.

This is, as I said the wedding of his (and his beloved bride-Judy) only daughter-KC. I was honored to be present and also take some pictures as a "back up" and shoot some video of little KC, all grown up. This is what I've put together for that momentous occasion. I remember the day she came into this world and joined her big brother and the smile of a Cheshire Cat that came across Daddy's face....a little girl. Thanks "Mutch" for your knowledge, saving my butt one day some 34 yrs. ago, but most of all, for being my friend. Now if we can only get him to make MAC his favorite meal!!

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