Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Is It New Year, or Knew Year?

Wow, it's the 4th of January already and I wonder where did this year go, or where is it going?  The New Year snuck up on me, well, not exactly as I dillydallied the last week or so pondering what to write about these last several weeks; the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012.  I've languished about it's demise (the end of 2011 that is) and like many bleary eyed souls attempted to relinquish those events that plagued me in 2011 and endeavored to resign myself to those that embraced me.  It was not an easy task as I have to admit I'm still wallowing in residual grief over my two monumental losses this past year.  While Dancer's was "expected", Piper's was a shock.  It wasn't the same this Christmas without them and while I have to couple the undeniable sadness that    clouds me, my newest entry into this household has "rescued" me.

 His name is Kody and a picture is worth a thousand words as they say.  He has certainly filled a void and as my delinquent attempts at establishing a lasting relationship with Diane, Tea, Kate, Diane, Juliette, have fallen on deaf ears, my four legged friends certainly keep my time fulfilled.  I won't mention Meg in this vane, as one of my more ardent followers of this blog is equally beguiled and less we challenge each other to a duel for her affections, we'd have to come by Mellencamp first.

And as part of my title of this particular post states; "knew" year as in, what can I know or what is it that I may "expect" for the next 12 months.  Absolutely nothing, for blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he shall not be disappointed.  And to be honest, I prefer it that way.  For expectation is the breeding ground of complacency and pride and I've never had any pride.  I'm far to much of a realist to be smug about myself.  Like the oft used idiom, "it's not about the destination, it's in the journey".  I know I'm loved, I have two wonderful sisters who as they say, "got my back".  I know with His undeniable love, my way shall be unfettered.

So, here's to an exciting, hopefully joyous New and Knew Year.