Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Since we're only a day after Christmas, I wanted to continue on this theme of "believing" in Santa Claus before the notion begins to slip away.  I don't want to diminish or have some form of miscarriage that just because Christmas has come and gone, the idea of Santa Claus has to go as well.  I love this song, "Believe" because it summons not just the children and their unfailing wish to see this cherub, jolly, rascal, but the adult as well.  How often to the parents put up the guise for their children, and yet take them each year to sit on his lap and pour out their heart in the hopes that he will deliver.  Don't we just take this idea on faith as the central theme in the movie "Polar Express"?  It is one of faith that leads us not to just Santa Claus but our Creator as well.  We "believe" without seeing and yet we so much want to see and believe those most important things that we can't see-Santa Claus and God.  Maybe because of that very importance, we must believe.  As a child, and even as an adult, aren't we challenged daily by our core belief system and rely on faith, hope and awe in a Higher Power?  If we're to lose this, what becomes of our world?  Do we lose that sense of expectation and excitement and life begins and turns boring?  But, by fostering these elements we not only nurture and preserve them, we garner them for our very existence.  We continue to scrutinize, question our faith and our belief system for this is what challenges us mentally.  Not to lose this ability continues the childlike innocence of our youth into our adulthood.

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