Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Another Year

Quite simply, I've been graced with another year on this glorious planet.
Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed He would have given me 63 of them.  For that I'm truly thankful.


Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

That is an amazing scene, there's nothing like it in Australia. Our planet is one amazing place, a creation beyond understanding. I'm guessing you've just and a birthday, another wonderful milestone - congratulations.

Laura~Pretty Pix said...

Happy Birthday and welcome to the 63rd year club.
Love your blog.. your images and insights.

At Mary and Paul's Place said...

How very sweet of both your replies.....thank you, much appreciated and yes, who would've "thunk" 63 would have come as fast as it has? What a glorious ride it has been. Yes, what a resplendent planet we live on, and to have a "tool" such as this to "communicate with people as close as next door or half way across the world; it doesn't get much better.

fromsophiesview said...

Happy Birthday and welcome to my doodle world. Lovely photos so inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

Ron and Sophie Doodle