Monday, February 18, 2013


I fully and readily and quite unashamedly admit to being a "sap" when it comes to events or circumstances in life and my own for that matter that touch me.  Interestingly enough, I didn't used to be this way or maybe I didn't want to admit to it lest it label me as a "sissy".  What a revelation we often come to that identifies us in terms of our sentimentality.  It's not surprising to me that I tear up when it comes to the silliest of things; a Folger's coffee commercial where the girl's brother has returned from being overseas in the Army, any of the Hallmark commercials, and the coup de grace for the Super Bowl this year was the Budweiser commercial where the grown up Clydesdale recognizes his young trainer.  You might as well build the damn now to stop the flow of tears.  And so it goes with "anniversaries" of sorts with me, especially those reminding me of the death of either my parents or one of my pets.  And it is without hope or agenda that I acknowledge that it was 2 years ago this week that I lost my boy Dancer to cancer.  This particular picture was actually taken the day before he died, Feb. 12, 2011.  It seems like it was such a long time ago and then again not.  It seems as I've aged, when I reminisce on those recollections of past events they don't appear to have zipped by, but now as I think on Feb. 12, 2011. it feels like it has been a drudgery of time.  But in any event, I miss him each day as I do Piper who died 6 mos. later.  But again, I don't allow a self pity to hold me to some grave, but relish in the time I was so blessedly given to be with them.

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