I was out shooting the other evening, sort of meandering about the countryside (actually just off Creve Couer Mill Rd) and the sun was starting to set and I came across these intricate and quite refined vegetative plants. I think the more vernacular term would be "weeds". However, as I contemplated the muses of Plato, Descartes, and possibly even Aristotle, my mind was drawn to their silhouette against the setting sun. I think I've mentioned before that sunsets are quite fun to play with in Photoshop and increasing the saturation and vibrance of the colors are quite enticing....kind of like the proverbial kid in the candy store. However, as I was trying to compose the picture, my philosphical ruminations again came over me. "I think, therefore I am" was the famous inclination of Descartes. And as I carefully moved about the "weeds" looking for some mystical interpetation of the "weeds" against the dance of the sun's reflections as the hues rapidly changed, I thought, is this real, am I imagining the juxtaposition of these "weeds" flickering, dancing, in the wind. Is there a metaphysical and even heavenly vision that I'm missing?? As I made my final approach to fire off the shutter to capture their essence.....I thought to myself.....nahhhh, they're just "weeds", press the damn shutter.
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