Admission: Mr. Webster defines it as "acknowledgment of the truth about something". For the most part, admission on my part comes easy whether it be my absolute weakness for ice cream, funnel cakes, puppies or kittens and a few other items that probably shouldn't be mentioned here lest the "Almightly Blogger" is reading. However, this one admission that causes me much consternation is that I was "driven away" from my little jaunt to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. For those of you who have been there, you may be wondering what in the world could drive away a 59 yr. old man. It had to be some horrific circumstance....bad food, unpleasant people, ridiculous price of gasoline, unbearable heat, etc. etc. Hark, it was none of the above and I'm somewhat embarrassed to succumb to such an admission but it was nothing more than the Culiseta longiareolata.

What the hell is that, you're asking....nothing more than the common "skeet-low" ( more affectionately referred to by my good friend, we'll see if the term is familiar to this person.). I've included a picture of one of the little blood suckers. And mind you, it's only the ladies that can suck blood. It could be somewhat of a similarity to the female population of our genre. The male population is left to be discarded and abandoned after doing its' "manly" thing. Ahhhhh, the abuse we take!!!
However, I was able to take a few pictures amidst the swatting and being bitten in many places that Deep Woods Off didn't protect me. These are the Pictured Rocks National Seashore and Munising Falls in the little town of Munising, Michigan. I think I'll go back in the winter.
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