Almost this entire week we've had nothing but rain and clouds. For a minute I had to remind myself I'm living in the humidity capital of the world-St. Louis and not Seattle. However, as the ever eternal optimist that I am, I know we can expect sun by at least August. In the meantime I had to link today's post with my all time favorite movie-"Shane". I watched "Shane" last night for the billionth time (not really). I've seen it so many times, I can recite lines from it. It's more of sentimental movie than artistically relevant (I'll leave that one to "To Kill a Mockingbird") for "Shane" is the movie I watched with my dad the night before he died. Although stripping the sentimental nature from it, it was nominated for 9 Academy Awards in 1953, winning for Best Cinematography and George Stevens won a Best Director from National Board of Review. Not only is it a sentimental favorite it was filmed in my most favorite place to visit-Grand Tetons, Wyoming. I first went to the Tetons (Indian word for "breasts") back in 1970. I've been back at least 10 times since. The allure, majesty, grandeur, and I could go on and on with rather heavenly adjectives to describe them, you'd have to see them in person to understand their mystique. They literally bring tears to my eyes each time I see them.
I couldn't decide to post a picture of them on a sunny day or in keeping with the weather pattern we've been having here, so I thought I'd sort of combine the conflicting patterns and offer this one. Go rent "Shane" and stay to the end to listen to little Joey....calling out, "Shane, come back"....a tear jerker.
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