There have been many beliefs, ideas, suggestions on the meaning of a rainbow. Some still believe there's the proverbial "pot of gold" at the end of it. Some of those people are still driving in their cars, flying in their planes, propelling in their boats to find it.
Forget about how they're formed which is basically when the sun shines on the droplets of water in the earth's atmosphere. They are an optical and meteorological phenomenon. Rainbows have always given me goosebumps. My particular belief is that they are a bridge leading me somewhere over THAT rainbow. Who can forget Judy Garland's mesmerizing version in the Wizard of Oz, "Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far Behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops, Away above the chimney tops.
That's where you'll find me."
I recently "walked" over a "rainbow" with a special friend. It was a brief and totally serendipitous but sublime journey. Those sometimes are the most enjoyable kind. It was a passage that I would have preferred to continue but I knew it would have effects that may have caused pain. And while the hopeless romantic in me looked upon it as coincidence that it occurred, I wonder if Jupiter were aligned Mars and there was complete harmony in the universe would the end result in what the Greeks referred to as "fatum" or what we mortals refer to as destiny? While I consider myself a rather staunch pragmatist, the philosopher in me relies in the underlying layer of hope.
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