Sunday, January 27, 2013


In some ways, I can't believe I'm actually "blogging" about this.  However, there's been enough "buzz" on the internet about a variety of these issues, I couldn't help but throwing my 2c in.  Maybe it's out of wisdom or a bit of senior discernment (which could actually be wisdom) and the fact that as I've aged, what used to be important to me no longer radiates any significant value in my life.  Or, maybe stuff, and this is what it actually is-stuff, see no visible, intrinsic, or moral value in it's effect on me.  I guess I actually challenge those people who find it of value to ask themselves, "are you going to be a better person for knowing this?" But we live in a technocentric world (I think I just made up a word) that ransoms us to certain capricious and modulated bits of information.  For me, I don't recall (sign of age) when I was younger if this kind of "stuff" ever intrigued me.  I'm speaking right now of the latest and most egregious use of "air" time....."Did Beyonce lip sync the Star Spangled Banner at the Inauguration?"  In light of my attempts to keep this blog at a family valued interest, I will simply say, "who cares?".  Although, you know what I'd really like to say.  I have to think of how slow the news day is at some of our nationally syndicated networks that they even give this consideration.  And, sort of shame on me for putting this on my blog.  But, I'm trying to make a point here in that I'm trying to get one to find out and learn about themselves the value of information that we feed upon and is it really that important.  My other "pet peeve" is the Kardashian family news.  It is abhorrent that the antics of this so called nuclear family is given attention.  However, Ryan Seacrest sees a good thing when he's got it, and the amount of money that is generated for his network, himself and this family is my opinion, sinful.  But again, when I say, "my opinion", that's what it is exactly.  I guess, I just wish more people would redirect their energy, interest, and adulation to more prodigious events.

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