Wow, it's here (almost); that commercial and multi cultural phenomenon that is so marked by the appearance of that jolly old man in the red suit. We've become so enamored each year at an earlier and earlier time of it's coming. Christmas songs fill the airwaves even before the left over turkey has been wrapped in foil and the last vestiges of dressing have been Tupperwared. Tree farms send their stock and decorations abound the city streets. Those crusty old imitations adorn the malls and parents crowd those porcelain floors for the picture of "Junior" on Santa's lap. John Lennon belts out over the radio waves...."so this is Christmas, what have you done?", Nat King Cole's velvet cords croon, "chestnuts roasting over an open fire" and we're so absorbed by the marketing that we're lost in the true meaning of who and why we're celebrating.
I was afraid of this day for the very reason I welcome it's presence now. As much as I didn't want it to be a focal point, it signified success. And while I asked Him each day to give me another day..and another...and another, I was mentally besieged that it would somehow betray me. He hasn't and I'm so very thankful that I'll get to celebrate this day with not just him, but my other four legged friends as well. For when you live with the possibility of its coming each day, you cling ever so faithful to His inner strength. Thank you for giving us this special day, but another day as well. I continue to be blessed.
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