Many events occur during a century-that mystical number of 100 years. It’s a celebrated occasion marked by fanfare, excitement, reference, influence, and most notable-accomplishment. Time magazine marks it as one of noteworthy accomplishment as one person is crowned Person of the Century. We look at that person’ achievements; what did he/she do that establishes them in the annals of history as leaving their mark for future generations to reflect, to honor or even vilify, that bravado that etches them into history.
I look at another person today and while her achievements clearly won’t leave the average reader with a sense of awe and wonderment nor even a protracted sense of envy. She didn’t discover anything like a Pasteur, nor invent a significant piece of machinery such as an Edison, nor were her stories of such literary acumen that scholars would scramble to the nearest editor for publication. We certainly wouldn’t describe her as a Muse-one of those inspired goddesses of Greek/Roman mythology who presided over the arts and sciences. It wasn’t hard to pronounce her name like Calliope, or Erato, or Polyhymnia. It was a very simple name that was glorified by one of the greatest entertainers, showmen of all time-George M. Cohan. “For it was Mary, Mary, plain as any name can be”.
Mary was as plain as her name. As I said, she didn’t “discover” anything, but maybe her innate sense of undying love for her husband and children. Her “inventions” won’t be copied or patented, but maybe it will be her “invention” of how to stand tall and courageous in sea of life’s adversities. We won’t have to worry about her literary “muses” being plagiarized for there isn’t any more uncomplicated way of writing, “Love,Mom”.
She would have been 100 years young today had she not been called home 17 years ago July 9th. We would have given her cards marking this day. We would have certainly taken her to one of her favorite restaurants, maybe even a trip to her favorite city-Las Vegas and she would have tired of pulling the lever of the slot machines. Certainly we would have all gasped in amazement had she lined up those 3 pieces of fruit to win the jackpot. We would have shared cake and ice cream with her and most nostalgically sang Happy Birthday. And we know her thoughts would have drifted to her beloved, her soul mate, her only true love-Paul.
Did she ever get her picture on the cover of Time? Nah, it wasn’t necessary for her, but we know her picture will forever be engraved in our hearts. Happy Birthday, Mom
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