I had a dream I was walking along a roaring stream with my friend and we came to a bridge that was old and dilapidated. It clearly had been crossed so many times as witnessed by the imbedded foot prints across its slats. It was an enduring bridge, held upright by weathered cables of jute and burlap fastened around the old pawpaw. And this majestic tree had additionally seen it’s days as well. My friend, who was now approaching the twilight of his life leaned on me and said, “I don’t know if I can cross this bridge, for it doesn’t appear that it will hold both of us”. He nudged me with his nose to motion that I go on without him. I said, “clearly you have carried me so often in my life, through my dark days, and have been my haven in times of despair, I will never leave you, I can surely carry you one more time”. And with that I picked my friend up and draped him around my neck. As we gathered ourselves, we stumbled under foot as the bridge swayed from our weight, the creaking and splintering of the slats threatened to thrust us into the rushing waters. “Please put me down and go on without me” my friend barked at me. I replied, “you will never know what a difference you have made in my life, I can never repay you, if you go, I go”. I felt his grip tighten around my neck and I felt his warmth give strength to my aching body. And with steady, and deliberate steps we crossed that Rainbow Bridge together. And as we reached the other side, we looked back and saw that the bridge was once again new, the slats had been mended, the jute where once was torn and tattered was strong and renewed. And the old pawpaw was blooming and bearing fruit once again. And the rushing waters of the stream had calmed and were now tranquil. I had a dream.
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