If you follow St. Louis weather at all, you know it can change at the drop of a hat. Well, here it is the 13th of April and we've got chilly, rainy, gloomy weather. When we should be outside planting, weeding, moving the lawn, we're inside huddled by the fire, making hot chocolate and gazing outside longing for those hazy, crazy days of summer. But then again, if you know anything about St. Louis weather, our summers can be brutal. We can have those 90+ days with humidity in the 90's making the temperature feel much hotter than what it is. So, in the long haul, we can't be satisfied. We complain about the cold in the winter and we complain about the heat in the summer. Ahhh, but we have our Cardinals and our beer, well, we have our Cardinals and now InBev has our beer!!!
Here's a pic that I'm hoping will jinx the gloom and doom of our current weather pattern and bring on those bright, sunny days. And, by the way, a special happy birthday to a friend.

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