It's Sprung!! (Or to BEE or not to BEE)
Well, after a rather mild St. Louis summer (no really blistering, lingering heat filled days), a more than colorful autumn than years past, and another mild winter. It's sprung back!!! It's the glorious time of the year when the daffodils have awakened, the hyacinths are breathing forth their ever engaging bouquet, the dogwoods and red buds are once again clamoring for competition on who's beauty will shine forth. I'm not sure if Spring is my favorite time of the year. I do have to admit that there is an untold energy that "springs" (pardon the pun) forth, a renewed vigor in peoples' activities (not necessarily mine), and that distant calling from my yard that says, "rake me". I do anxiously await the first buds on my rose bushes and that intoxicating fragrance that comes from my floribundas. I've chosen a few spring pics that hopefully will awaken your energy, remind you to make a trip to your local hardware store for lawn and leaf bags, and make sure your lawn mower has clean gas.
I've also chosen a brief verse from Robert Louis Stevenson:
"Now the hedged meads renew Rustic odor, smiling hue, And the clean air shines and twinkles as the world goes wheeling though; And my heart springs up anew, Bright and confident and true. And my old love come to meet me in the dawning and the dew."

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