Thus is the case with my most recent acquisition-the new Canon 5D Mark II. This is now my third digital SLR and I swore after the first one that I didn't need a bigger, better, faster, more advanced piece of equipment. Boy, did they see me coming!!! The screwy thing about it is that I bought my second 5D body last summer before I went on my summer hiatus into the Great Northwest. Figuring it is much easier to shoot with two camera bodies, that way I don't have to keep switching lenses and increase the chances of "smutz" getting onto the sensor. However, it was just after I purchased the second 5D body that Canon unleashed the "BEAST", a new body that they not only bumped up the MP to 21, but they added a HDef movie mode to the camera. Again, they saw me coming and I plopped down one of my 5D bodies as collateral and thus began the wait since every one and their mother were anticipating the arrival of the camera. I was fortunate and only had to wait 2 1/2 mos. to get mine. I only hoped that I would get mine before Canon decided to overhaul it again and I'd be left holding the first generation while others would have the new updated one that shot at 31 MP, did HDef movie shooting, had Final Cut on it and would also make a Mocha Latte, non fat, with 2 tsp. of sugar!!
Now after all that rambling, here are several shots that I took today with the "beast".
Please enjoy!!

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