I love Christmas...that merry time of the year, the decorations, the sounds, the smell of the Frasier Firs, the children clamoring for their gifts and the sense of love and childlike innocence that we strive to attain. Unfortunately for many of us we wait to this time of year solely. And it's such a waste of time for many. For some, that "Scrooge" mentality lives the other 364 days of the year. But, really, even for those "Scroogians" out there, the unabashed merriment of a glowing tree decorated with ornaments, Christmas lights, and the Angel on top must open your heart to feel and express the innocence and beauty of being a child of the universe. You can't help but smile and possibly bring a tear to your eye as your child or grandchild opens their present that they so eagerly awaited. And who cannot say that as they run up to you and throw their arms around your neck and kiss your cheek that your heart does not melt??!!?? Hopefully those who feel sadness and anger will not resist these feelings of togetherness and love.
Merry Christmas to all and may you have the best New Year.
Am FINALLY getting to see this!!
So HOW did you get your kids to pose for this perfect Christmas portrait?!?!?!?!!!
Mary and Paul's WHOLE place is a little slice of heaven!! Lovely and illuminating...inspiring... and practically poetic!!
Thank you Pennylope for the comments. As far as getting the "beasts" to pose, I obviously had to promise them unabashed romps through Petsmart with no limits on purchases!!!
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