I went to a memorial mass for the father of a former colleagues' over the weekend and I wanted to say a few words about our parents-mine in particular; and a nickel's worth of advice to you. I've dedicated this blog to mine-Mary and Paul (if you haven't figured this out yet). While I sat in the church and listened to the priest eulogize this man and all of his wondrous deeds he did for those in his community, I couldn't but help harken to my parents. I often "mist up" listening to someone talk about a deceased father or mother. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of mine and miss them terribly. My dad always used to tell me that I'd miss him when he was gone. Being too little or the naivete' being too strong in me, I often wondered what the hell he was talking about. Mom wasn't quite so philosophical and never chastised me if I wouldn't come and visit her grave after she had died. And to this day, the only time I've gone to the cemetery to "pay a visit" was the time Dad's little schnauzer-"Whiskers" had died. I somehow felt compelled to go and tell him (even though I surreptiously) knew that Dad knew he had died. It seems that the older I get, the more I miss them. Dad's been gone now since 1986 and Mom since 1993. It's not that they provided me with any deep philosophically intrinsic words of wisdom or would I garnish a morally morsel of life, but it's their presence that I miss the most. I often long to hear their voices not to guide me but just to tell them that I love them....something unfortunately I didn't do near enough of. I often think of Dan Fogelberg's song, "The Leader of the Band" ( a stirring tribute to his dad) the passion of the line, "I thank you for the kindness and the times when you got tough, and Papa, I don't think I said I love you near enough." I'd apply the words Mama to this line as well.
So, my nickel's piece of advice to those of you who truly are blessed to still have your parents with you....cherish them, love them. If you are estranged from them...have a fence to mend, slammed the door on them, open it, welcome them in. Truly don't forget to tell them how much you love them. They are gifts from God on loan for a short time and like any thing that is "loaned" to you, it will have to go back.
PS. I thought you might like to see Mom and Dad. The younger picture of them lets you see where I get my fantastic looks from ;>). The older one shows how they aged gracefully, something I hope to do.
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