I must confess that I really don't understand life and all it's wondrous hesitations. And even more so with death and the sublime interruption that it flails on us at the most inopportune times. Just when I think I may have an inkling to the schedule that has seemingly been ordained, the rug is pulled from me and I'm left gathering my emotions at another bend in the road and an abrupt hesitation at a very inopportune time. And as my heading implies, it really is a decree that has been determined by God for truly He does giveth and must taketh away. And that He did one week ago without warning, without preparation, without hesitation. He called my beloved little "Piper" home. The loan He had so graciously given me 15 yrs. ago was up and her final place was with Him. She will now follow Dancer and I know he was waiting for her at the gate to show her around. He'll introduce her to some friends of ours that have gone before and were waiting for her. And the Lord Taketh Away
And Dad, if you're reading, take care of my little girl.